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19/10/16 OECD findings on Financial Litearcy – Still a lot of work to do educating consumers… when will we see a study measuring improvement on financial responsibility of providers?

12-October-2016:  OECD/INFE International Survey of Adult Financial Literacy Competencies This report contains the results of an international data collection survey that measured the financial literacy and financial inclusion of adults. A total of 51,650 adults aged 18 to 79 from 30 countries and economies participated in the survey.   OECD financial literacy study... [more...]

02/08/16 US CFPB publishes an Issue brief about financial education programs serving immigrant populations

The CFPB issued this report to raise visibility about the financial education challenges that many immigrants face and to highlight promising approaches to help immigrants improve their financial well-being. [more...]

26/05/16 Ireland: Met-Life Foundation Inclusion Plus Ireland

Inclusion Plus is an Innovation Competition sponsored by Met-Life Foundation. Competitors are invited to submit a product, service, programme or innovation to improve financial health and well-being for people in Ireland and across Europe. The proposal should demonstrate that it will improve people’s access, adoption and usage of financial products and services. 15... [more...]

02/05/16 Financial Education: OECD Publication on Financial Education in Europe

The April 2016 publication provides an overview of the recent trends and developments in financial education policies and programmes in Europe. It describes the status of national strategies for financial education and various financial education programmes targeting a variety of audiences and through a variety of delivery channels. Based on the analysis of these... [more...]

08/07/15 Recent research for Asian Development Bank shows gaps in financial inclusion, regulation, and education in Germany

iff Director of economics, Prof Doris Neuberger, has published a paper on financial inclusion in Germany. It should serve to give other countries examples of better practice, alternative policies and lessons for regulation of financial services. Below are the findings and reccomendations from the paper: Germany’s bank-based financial system provides a high level of... [more...]

28/11/13 Präventionsnetzwerk Finanzkompetenz e.V. - Newsletter 10/11-2013

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, als Anlage erhalten Sie heute Newsletter 10/11-2013. Liebe Grüße aus Düsseldorf Eva-Maria Trube Präventionsnetzwerk Finanzkompetenz e.V. [more...]

03/07/13 Präventionsnetwerk Finanzkompetenz: Newsletter 6/2013

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, als Anlage erhalten Sie heute Newsletter 06-2013 und die Einladung zur diesjährigen Fachtagung in Berlin. Liebe Grüße aus Düsseldorf Eva-Maria Trube Präventionsnetzwerk Finanzkompetenz e.V. c/o Ev. Schuldnerberatung Collenbachstr. 10 40476 Düsseldorf Diakonie Duesseldorf Gemeindedienst der... [more...]

14/06/13 Financial Education/Entertainment – Prof Lauren Willis has posted an interesting blog entry on the Credit Slips website that warns that the trend toward gamification must be monitored...

As games have increasingly been sponsored by the financial industry as a method of teaching young people various important lessons about financial affairs, while consumer engagement and confidence in the subject may be enhanced, there are still many drawbacks from these educational/entertainment methods as outlined in this article.   Read Prof Lauren Willis’ blog entry... [more...]

02/04/13 Financial Education - Enters the UK national school curriculum

England’s Department for Education has included financial education in the draft National Curriculum for England in both mathematics and in citizenship education for the first time. This was the fruit of a concerted campaign led in Parliament by the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Financial Education for Young People, with the support of pfeg (Personal Finance... [more...]

22/01/13 Lehrerfortbildungen des iff zu Finanzieller Allgemeinbildung

Ein wesentliches Merkmal der vom iff entwickelten Unterrichtskonzepte zur Finanziellen Allgemeinbildung besteht in der Verantwortung des Unterrichts durch Lehrerinnen und Lehrer, und nicht wie oft üblich durch externe Finanzexperten in der Schule. Eine qualitativ hochwertige Vorbereitung der Lehrkräfte zum „Spezialthema“ Finanzielle Allgemein­bildung ist daher die... [more...]

21/11/11 UK PhD scholarship on personal finance education - applications

The School of Social Policy at the University of Birmingham welcomes applications for a funded PhD scholarship on the topic of ... Personal finance education: What is it for?  And how best to do it? Context During the 1980s and 1990s, the financial landscape in the UK, as in many Western states, became increasingly complex with the growth of the credit industry, the... [more...]

18/08/11 Financial education - Update on OECD led work and 2 short public consultations on Guidelines for Financial education at schools and Principles for Evaluation of Financial education...

Below are the links to the OECD online public consultations: Deadline for comment: 5 September 2011 Draft Guidelines on Financial Education at School and Guidance on Learning Framework Draft High-level Principles for the Evaluation of Financial Education Programmes Draft Guidelines on Financial Education at School & Guidance on Learning Framework   Governments... [more...]

02/07/11 Basic financial products: The Dutch consumer organisation, Consumentenbond is leading a campaign challenging the financial sector to come up with basic products. As part of the...

Taken frome Consumers International website: Netherlands: Consumentenbond's financial services campaign 'Do you understand money? Make sure you do' 02 Jun 2011 Consumentenbond has launched its campaign titled Do you understand money? Make sure you do. Consumentenbond, a Netherlands-based consumer organisation, says this campaign attempts to challenge the financial sector... [more...]

11/05/11 „Wir erklären die Wirtschaft“ – Auch Arbeitgeberverbände gehen jetzt in die Schule

Finanzielle Allgemeinbildung ist inzwischen ein beliebtes Einfallstor für Marketing, Wirtschaftsvertreter und Unternehmen in die Schule geworden. Da es keine Qualitätsstandards gibt und sogar die Bundesbildungsministerin sich mit dem Allianzkonzern hier zusammenschließt, kann jeder überall sich den Kindern in der Schule präsentieren. Eine Gruppe von Professoren der... [more...]

14/03/11 UK CfRC Journal Issue 3, March 2011: CSR, credit regulation and financial education

Please find attached the current issue of CfRC's Journal, featuring articles on: • A summary of the recent CfRC study of bank CSR reporting • Professor Iain Ramsay on the need to rethink the role of consumer credit • Professor Toni Williams on the framing of the financial education debate • Reverend Paul Nicholoson on the impact of welfare cuts on the demand for high cost... [more...]

01/11/10 Financial Education - ECRC partner iff has published an article on financial education

Financial Education (Reifner, Schelhowe) Journal of Social Science Education Volume 9, Number 2, pp 32-42, © JSSE 2010, ISSN 1618-5293 Text as PDF New, more or better financial education and financial literacy programmes should lead to improved financial capability, knowledge and outcomes. Yet we do not even know which terminology is most suitable for those projects who... [more...]

19/08/09 Financial Education - Recent European Commission and OECD reports focus on the crisis and the consumer and his lack of knowledge.

The OECD and the European Commission have focused a lot of their efforts in analysing the crisis from the viewpoint of an irresponsible illiterate consumer. The reports are attached below however, there is in our view too little from them critisizing the other side. Where are the reports showing the irresponsible lending practices from the banks, or the education which... [more...]

19/08/09 Stop Blaming Consumers for the Financial Crisis - Bank sponsored European Credit Research Institute organises Conference to blame Consumers for the Crisis

The Brussels based ECRI which in a strange amalgamation with CEPS and unclear and intransparent dependancy from the banking industry uses its close relations to the EU-Commission to misuse the need for financial education to white wash the banking industry from its failures in the financial crisis. ECRC in its different declarations has insisted that consumer have been... [more...]

06/07/09 Nouvelles de la FBF - Informations sur le dispositif AERAS, signature de la charte en faveur de la promotion de l'éducation financière à la gestion du budget familial, mise en avance de...

Ci-dessous des liens vers le site de la FBF. L'enseignement supérieur et la profession bancaire renforcent leurs liens mais pourquoi est-ce que les experts du droit à la consommation ne sont ils pas impliqués ? Les partenaires de la coalition ont des idées : que se soit des programmes d’échanges entre professionnels (banquier fait un stage au centre des consommateurs ou... [more...]

14/06/09 Financial Education - OECD and ECRC partner IEFP held a Symposium on the subject last month

The OECD and the Institut pour l'Education Financière du Public (IEFP) co-organised a symposium on the role of financial education in the context of the financial crisis (20 May 2009). The symposium gathered high-level officials and decision-makers from around the world to discuss and elevate the international policy dialogue on the importance of financial education at a... [more...]

19/11/08 EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT – Are the elected deputies interested in protecting the European consumer or simply interested in improving their awareness of how to protect themselves?

The efforts by Bulgarian MEP Iliana Iotova are laudable but there may be too much utopia in her solution of simply “teaching children about basic finance so they avoid getting into bad debts at a later age”. The experience of other EU Member States with more financially literate consumers than those exposed to credit and debt over a shorter period of time (such as... [more...]

10/09/08 FINANCIAL EDUCATION - Expert Group selected by the Commission.

The ECRC will discuss financial education at its conference in London in November 13 and 14 2008. Does this group of experts see the problem of financial education as merely tackling "illiteracy" and promoting "capabilities" or are they also concerned with promoting responsible credit to consumers? European Commission press release: The European Commission has selected... [more...]

05/06/08 DG Mercato interno e George W. Bush - Notevoli somiglianze nell'educazione finanziaria

Vi sono somiglianze notevoli tra le attivitá del direttore generale del mercato della Commissione Europea e Capital Hill relativamente alle reazioni alla crisi "subprime". Mentre molti, incluso il direttore della Federal Reserve, pensano che sia il momento di educare le banche ad essere più caute, a fornire più credito responsabile e ad astenersi dal trarre profitto dalle... [more...]

05/06/08 DG Market and George W. Bush - Striking Similarities in Financial Education

There are striking similarities between the activities of DG Market of the European Commission and Capital Hill as the reactions to the subprime crisis is concerned. While many including the Head of the Federal Reserve think it is time to educate bankers to be more cautious, provide more responsible credit and refrain from profiting from the needs of poor people an... [more...]

03/06/08 EU Parliament Hearing on Financial Education - Who should educate whom in financial services? Bob Schmitz from ULC Luxembourg testifies.

Find annexed the paper Bob Schmitz from the Luxembourg Consumer Association a partner of ECRC has presented to the European Parliament with regard to the efforts of the Eu-Commission in Financial Education or as officials and some banks prefer Financial Literacy or even Financial Capability: 1. Consumer empowerment via information and education – serious limits We are... [more...]

07/05/08 FINANCIAL EDUCATION – The OECD and US Treasury host a conference on the subject today and tomorrow and has produced some recommendations and guidelines in this area. Newly updated...

OECD/US TREASURY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FINANCIAL EDUCATION 7-8 May 2008 - Washington DC, USA The high-level international conference is co-organised by the OECD, as part of its on-going project on financial education, and the US Department of the Treasury. The main objective of this conference is to seek to advance and elevate dialogue on financial education in the... [more...]

17/04/08 international - Neue französische Seite "Finanzen für Alle" (LaFinancepourtous) bietet Forum für öffentliche Diskussion, Lehrer und Verbraucher über die Frage der...

FRANKREICH - EIN ENTWICKLUNGSLAND IN SACHEN FINANZIELLE ALLGEMEINBILDUNG? Unter der Überschrift: "April - Monat der finanziellen Bildung in den USA" beklagt Pascale Micoleau-Marcel von der IEFP, dass Frankreich das Schlusslicht bisher in der Kampagne um die finanzielle Allgemeinbildung bilde. In den USA sei beim Präsidenten der USA ein Rat für finanzielle Bildung... [more...]

01/01/08 Finanzielle Allgemeinbildung - Fünf Konzeptionen in Stichworten

FÜNF KONZEPTE FINANZIELLER ALLGEMEINBILDUNG IN STICHWORTEN 1. Berufliche Bildung Schüler lernen hier, wie Banker zu denken und zu handeln. (typisch für Wirtschaftkunde, Berufs- und Handelsschule) Vorteil: Schüler bekommen hier berufliche Bildung vermittelt Nachteil: Die Nutzerperspektive findet keine Beachtung. Die Schüler können daher keinen Bezug zu den eignen... [more...]

01/01/08 Finanzielle Allgemeinbildung – Zehn Thesen des iff

Finanzielle Allgemeinbildung ist die kritische und an den Bedürfnissen der Nutzer orientierte Vermittlung von Allgemeinwissen, Verständnis und sozialer Handlungskompetenz im Umgang mit auf Kreditmöglichkeiten aufgebauten Finanzdienstleistungen, die die Menschen außerhalb ihrer beruflichen Sphäre für sich selber benutzen, um Einkommen und Ausgaben, Arbeit und Konsum... [more...]


Die Europäische Kommission hat eine Mitteilung über Vermittlung und Erwerb von Finanzwissen angenommen, in der sie auf die Notwendigkeit hinweist, die Finanzkenntnisse der europäischen Bürger zu verbessern und sie so in die Lage zu versetzen, die für ihre Zwecke besten Finanzprodukte und –dienstleistungen zu wählen. Die Verbesserung des Finanzwissens ist für Verbraucher,... [more...]

18/12/07 Education financière Communication de la commission: Éducation financière

Le 18 décembre, la Commission a adopté une Communication sur l'éducation financière. Dans cette Communication, la Commission se prononce en faveur d' une éducation financière aussi proche que possible des besoins des citoyens, c'est-à-dire proposée par l'Etat Membre, les autorités nationales et régionales, les agences non-gouvernementales et le secteur des services... [more...]

18/12/07 FINANCIAL EDUCATION – Today Stakeholders of EU financial service markets have received both a Communication from the Commission on Financial Education and its Study providing an...

COMMUNICATION ON FINANCIAL EDUCATION On 18 December, the Commission adopted a Communication on Financial Education. This Communication underlines the Commission's support for the provision of financial education delivered as close as possible to the citizens that need it, namely through Member State, national and regional authorities, non-governmental agencies and the... [more...]

21/11/07 FINANCIAL EDUCATION - The OECD has been active in the debate on understanding consumer decision making.

OECD DEVELOPING CONSUMER POLICY TOOLS FOR DECISION-MAKERS Comments from ECRC partner, kuluttajavirasto, from the Finnish Consumer Agency's Newsletter no.6/2007 (Nov 2007) The OECD Committee on Consumer Policy is developing new ways to improve market efficiency. It is putting together a toolkit to give policy-makers better instruments for directing consumer policy. ... [more...]

19/11/07 UK - New product tells you when you are getting too indebted.

DEBT CRISIS BRITAIN GETS THE MESSAGE 19th November 2007 By Maz Partasides A gadget which texts warnings to big spenders has been launched to solve Britain’s debt crisis. The cash tracker – dubbed the spendometer – fires off messages direct to mobile phones to stop people blowing their weekly budgets. Money experts hope the service will stop Brits spiralling into... [more...]

01/10/07 Geldpolitik & Wirtschaft Q3/07

Geldpolitik & Wirtschaft Q3/07 – einzelne Kapitel Editorial Liebscher, Christl, Mooslechner, Gnan – Geldpolitik & Wirtschaft Q3/07 Robuste Konjunktur im Euroraum Inflationsrate weiterhin moderat Breitenfellner, Elsinger, Vondra – Geldpolitik & Wirtschaft Q3/07 Volkswirtschafts- und Finanzbildung: Konzepte, Ziele, Messung Gnan, Silgoner, Weber – Geldpolitik &... [more...]

01/10/07 Monetary Policy and the Economy Q3/07

Monetary Policy and the Economy Q3/07 – chapters Robust Economic Activity in the Euro Area Breitenfellner, Elsinger, Vondra – Monetary Policy and the Economy Q3/07 Selected Central Banks’ Economic and Financial Literacy Programs Fluch – Monetary Policy and the Economy Q3/07 Financial Capability of Austrian Households Fessler, Martin Schürz, Wagner, Weber – Monetary... [more...]

14/09/07 Brussels 2007 W3: BANKS AT SCHOOL – CAN CONSUMERS BE EDUCATED? - Statements

W3: BANKS AT SCHOOL – CAN CONSUMERS BE EDUCATED? Statements from Dara Duguay (Citi); Lauren Willis (Loyola Law School, USA) [more...]

14/09/07 Brussels 2007 W3: BANKS AT SCHOOL – CAN CONSUMERS BE EDUCATED? - Statements

W3: BANKS AT SCHOOL – CAN CONSUMERS BE EDUCATED? Statements from Anne Schelhowe (SchülerBanking, Germany); Peter Avery (OECD); Erik Pointilliart (IEFP, France); Lauren Toni Williams (Kent Law School, UK) [more...]

14/09/07 BRUSSELS 2007! Laboratorio 3: "Banche e scuole: I consumatori posso essere educati?" - PROFILE

W3: BANCHE E SCUOLE: I CONSUMATORI POSSO ESSERE EDUCATI? Saul Schwartz (Carleton University, Canada, Chair); Dara Duguay (Citi); Anne Schelhowe (SchülerBanking, Germany); Peter Avery (OECD); Erik Pointilliart (IEFP, France); Lauren Willis (Loyola Law School, USA); Toni Williams (Kent Law School, UK) Venerdi Sept 14 15:30. L´educazione finanziaria rappresenta un terreno... [more...]

14/09/07 BRUSSELS 2007! Atelier W3 " Banquiers, Collégiens, Lycéens – Qui donne la leçon à qui ?" - Propos de M. Erik Pointillart (IEFP)

ATELIER W3: BANQUIERS, COLLEGIENS, LYCEENS – QUI DONNE LA LEÇON A QUI ? Saul Schwartz (Carleton University, Canada, Chair); Dara Duguay (Citi); Anne Schelhowe (SchülerBanking, Germany); Peter Avery (OECD); Erik Pointilliart (IEFP, France); Lauren Willis (Loyola Law School, USA); Toni Williams (Kent Law School, UK) (Se déroulera le vendredi 14 septembre à 15h30, en même... [more...]

14/09/07 BRUSSELS 2007! Workshop 3: "Banks at School – Can Consumers be Educated?" - OUTLINE

W3: BANKS AT SCHOOL – CAN CONSUMERS BE EDUCATED? Saul Schwartz (Carleton University, Canada, Chair); Dara Duguay (Citi); Anne Schelhowe (SchülerBanking, Germany); Peter Avery (OECD); Erik Pointilliart (IEFP, France); Lauren Willis (Loyola Law School, USA); Toni Williams (Kent Law School, UK) Held on Friday Sept14th at 3.30pm, concurrent workshop is W4 on Scoring. ... [more...]

13/09/07 BRUSSELS 2007! Workshop 3: "Banks at School – Can Consumers be Educated?" - ABSTRACT from Lauren Willis

W3, BANKS AT SCHOOL—CAN CONSUMERS BE EDUCATED? Abstract by Lauren E. Willis, Associate Professor of Law, Loyola Law School Los Angeles, USA AGAINST CONSUMER FINANCIAL EDUCATION Quote from NAACP Financial Empowerment Guide: “Financial literacy provides the foundation to build wealth and fully participate in the economy. By understanding basic financial principles and... [more...]

11/05/07 PLENUM: "BANKEN IN (DIE) DER SCHULE" - Thomas albrecht, (Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Bildung und Sport)

THESENPAPIER: BASIS DER SCHULISCHEN ARBEIT SIND SCHULGESETZ UND RAHMENPLÄNE. DARAUS ZWEI GRUNDLEGENDE ZITATE: Der Unterricht im Fach Politik/Gesellschaft/Wirtschaft stärkt die Fähigkeit und Bereitschaft der Schülerinnen und Schüler, sich in komplexen gesellschaftlichen, wirtschaftlichen und politischen Zusammenhängen zu orientieren, diese auf ihren Sinn, auf ihre Zwänge... [more...]

11/05/07 PLENUM: "BANKEN IN (DIE) DER SCHULE" - Anne Schelhowe (institut für finanzdienstleistungen e.V.)

THESENPAPIER von Frau Schelhowe (iff) FINANZDIENSTLEISTUNGEN ÜBERNEHMEN DIE FUNKTIONEN DER GEMEINSCHAFTEN. Familiäre Strukturen und soziale Gemeinschaften individualisieren sich. Gleichzeitig führt dies zu einer neuen Abhängigkeit von Finanzdienstleistungen. Heute dienen Finanzdienstleistungen als Intermediäre für viele früher geldfreie Funktionen. Die hohe... [more...]

11/05/07 PLENUM: "BANKEN IN (DIE) DER SCHULE" - Prof. Dr. Kirsten Schlegel-Matthies (Universität Paderborn)

THESENPAPIER von Prof. Dr. Kirsten Schlegel-Matthies (Universität Paderborn) - Der selbstbestimmte und verantwortungsvolle Umgang mit Geld und Konsum muss in unserer Gesellschaft gelernt werden, um Teilhabe- und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten für alle zu sichern. - Die Vermittlung von Konsum- und Finanzkompetenzen gehört deshalb aus meiner Sicht zu einer allgemeinen... [more...]

11/05/07 PLENUM: "BANKEN IN (DIE) DER SCHULE" - Franz Josef Nick (Citibank)

THESENPAPIER von Herrn Franz Josef NICK (Vorstand Recht, Innenrevision, Compliance sowie Qualitäts- und Beschwerdemanagement, Citibank Privatkunden Deutschland) I Finanzielle Bildung macht entscheidungsfähig – Unselbstständigkeit in Finanzfragen wirkt sich auf alle Lebensbereiche aus und schränkt die eigenen Entwicklungsfähigkeiten ein. II Der Umbau der Sozialsysteme... [more...]

11/05/07 PLENUM: "BANKEN IN (DIE) DER SCHULE" - Thomas Bieler (Verbraucherzentrale Nordrhein-Westfalen)

THESENPAPIER von Thomas Bieler (Verbraucherzentrale Nordrhein-Westfalen) • Wir brauchen in der Schule dringend praxisorientiertes Finanzwissen, wir brauchen in der Schule aber keine Banken oder Sparkassen. • Es besteht ein klarer Interessenkonflikt zwischen dem Verdienstinteresse von Kreditinstituten (und anderen Finanzdienstleistern) und dem Streben nach einer besseren... [more...]

11/05/07 PLENUM: "BANKEN IN (DIE) DER SCHULE" - Prof. Dr. Michael-Burkhard Piorkowsky (Universität Bonn)

Prof. Dr. Michael-Burkhard Piorkowsky - Professur für Haushalts- und Konsumökonomik - Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn WIR BRAUCHEN MEHR ALS NUR FINANZWIRTSCHAFTLICHE BILDUNG Finanzwirtschaftliche Bildung oder ein Schulfach Finanzwirtschaft ohne eine ökonomische Grundbildung ist wie Rechtschreibunterricht ohne umfassenden Deutschunterricht. Der... [more...]

11/05/07 PLENUM: "BANKEN IN (DIE) DER SCHULE" - Einleitung

Moderation: Volkmar Lübke (iff/Verbraucherinitiative). Referenten: Thomas Albrecht (Amt für Bildung, Hamburg), Thomas Bieler (Verbraucherzentrale Nordrhein-Westfalen), Franz Josef Nick (Citibank), Prof. Michael-Burkhard Piorkowsky (Universität Bonn), Anne Schelhowe (SchülerBanking Hamburg), Prof. Kirsten Schlegel-Matthies (Universität Paderborn) Finanzielle... [more...]

28/03/07 Financial Education or Financial Capability - Who should learn from whom in the Financial Services System? iff Contribution to Brussels Conference.

EU-COMMISSION HOLDS CONFERENCE IN BRUSSELS - UK CONFERENCE AS A MODEL On Wednesday DG Internal Market holds its financial capability conference in Brussels. Like many of their initiatives also this one seems to be modelled to an UK predecessor the UK "Financial Capability Conference on 18th October 2006" where according to its website "Ed Balls, Economic Secretary to... [more...]


Created: 13/03/06. Last changed: 09/06/06.
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