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UPCOMING CONFERENCES: Though your attention should be primarily directed to attending our 2008 international ECRC responsible credit conference in London in November, a few other conferences may also of interest for our members.
Below is a list of upcoming conferences: One on Financial Inclusion, one on Microfinance, and one on Ethics in finance



Dear Madam/Sir,

We are pleased to invite you to a high-level conference organised by the European Commission on "Financial inclusion: improving access to basic financial services" which will be held on 28 May 2008 in Brussels.

The objectives of the conference are to present the results of a study launched by the European Commission on "Financial services provision and prevention of financial exclusion", and to discuss the role of public authorities, financial service providers, consumer and non-governmental organisations in guaranteeing access to basic financial services.

Travel and accommodation expenses of attendees representing governments or non-for profit organisations may, under some conditions, be covered by the European Commission.


Chère Madame, cher Monsieur,

Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à une conférence de haut niveau organisée par la Commission européenne sur : "Inclusion financière: améliorer l'accès aux services financiers de base" qui se tiendra le 28 mai 2008 à Bruxelles.

Les objectifs de cette conférence sont de présenter les résultats de l'étude lancée par la Commission européenne sur "Prestation de services financiers et prévention de l’exclusion financière" et de discuter le rôle des autorités publiques, des prestataires de services financiers, des organisations de consommateurs et des organisations non gouvernementales en vue de garantir un accès à des services financiers de base.

Les frais de voyage et d'hébergement des participants représentant des autorités publiques ou des organisations sans but lucratif pourront, sous certaines conditions, être couverts par la Commission européenne.


EMN’s MICROFINNACE CONFERENCE (8-10 September, 2008)
5th EMN Annual Conference: "Microfinance: A tool for growth and employment in Europe"
From 8 to 10 September, 2008, EMN organises its 5th Annual Conference which will be held in Nice (France).

During this mayor event, EMN, the leading professional network in the region, will welcome between 400 and 500 participants among which bankers, researchers, practitioners, investors, local government and European Commission representatives, policy makers, the private sector or the media. With the label of the French Presidency, the EMN Conference is co-organised by Adie and financially supported by the European Commission and by Crédit Coopératif.

With this 5th Annual Conference which is also the 5th Anniversary of EMN, the network intends to put forward the role played by microfinance in the economic development at European level, both by its action on employment and its importance as a tool to fight social and financial exclusion. This Conference is also organised within the framework of the "European Initiative for the Development of Microcredit in Support of Growth and Employment".
The preliminary programme of the Conference is already available at the link below. Registrations will soon be available on-line. For any additional information on the Conference, please contact Maria Franco.


will be held on the 3rd and 4th of October 2008, in Geneva.


Protestants, Catholics and Money
Public Goods, Common Global Goods, Common Good. Do They All Mean the Same?
Was Hippocrates a Financier? Finance and Medicine
The 2007/2008 Financial Year: Towards an Ethical Appraisal
Ethics and fiscal concerns
Politics and Economic Life. The Role of Lobbying


In a context of a finance always more globalized, it seems easier to refuge oneself in reassuring paradigms, and to evacuate the question of the impact of one’s decision on the common good. In an institutional and individual level, the measures used in taking decisions are too often resumed in profitability concerns. The notion of responsibility is reduced to a legal dimension and the word ethics to some deontological rules.

For that reason the Observatoire de la Finance aims at organize annual international meetings on Ethics, Finance & Responsibility, since 2002.

The principal purpose of these meetings, articulated around some workshops, is to give a range of examples and analysis to face the question of the link between finance and ethics. In fact, nowadays, is really important to strengthen the financial operators’ judgment in order to make their decisions responsible and ethically founded.

Speakers come from all Europe and sometimes from United States or some African Countries. They are financial professional and academic professors.


aura lieu les 3 et 4 octobre 2008, au Château de Bossey, à Genève.

Protestants, Catholiques et argent
Biens publics, biens communs globaux, bien commun. Ont-ils tous le même sens ?
Hippocrate était-il financier? Finance et médecine
L'année financière 2007/2008: vers un bilan éthique
Ethique et fiscalité
Politique et vie économique. Le rôle du lobbying


Le contexte d'une finance toujours plus mondialisée amplifie la tentation des acteurs de se réfugier dans des paradigmes rassurants et d'évacuer ainsi la question plus complexe de l'effet de leurs décisions sur le bien commun. Ainsi, au niveau individuel et institutionnel, les critères gouvernant la prise de décision se résument trop souvent à des préoccupations de rentabilité et réduisent la notion de responsabilité à une dimension strictement juridique et le terme éthique à des règles déontologiques. C’est dans cette perspective que l’Observatoire de la Finance organise ses Rencontres Internationales intitulées « Ethique, Finance et Responsabilité » depuis 2002.

L’objectif principal des Rencontres « Ethique, Finance et Responsabilité », articulées autour de tables-rondes, est d’offrir un éventail d’exemples et d’analyses portant sur la question du rapport entre la finance et l’éthique. Car, à l’heure actuelle, il est de plus en plus essentiel d’affermir le discernement des opérateurs financiers pour que leurs décisions soient responsables et éthiquement fondées.

Les intervenants - issus des milieux académiques et intellectuels, des milieux financiers, des régulateurs publics et des ONG – sont originaires de toute l’Europe, mais aussi des Etats-Unis ou d’Afrique.

ID: 41277
Author(s): SCR
Publication date: 06/05/08

Draft programme of the Financial Inclusion conference (May 2008)

Register to the Financial Inclusion event (by 9 May 2008 at the latest)

Link to EMN conference website:

Link to EMN conference website:

Link to Conference on “Ethics, Finance & Responsibility”

Link to ECRC "LONDON 2008" Conference

Created: 08/05/08. Last changed: 09/03/11.
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