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Financial Supervision - A key element of oversight. Rules need to be enforced and structures and details matter.

Links to a selection of research and publications relevant to financial supervision and consumer protection


Group of Thirty/Deloitte, The structure of Financial Supervision - Approaches and Challenges in a Global Marketplace, 2008.

World Bank CGAP, Consumer Protection Regulation in Low-Access Environments- Promote Responsible Finance, 2010.

Wymeersch, The Structure of Financial Supervision in Europe: About Single Financial Supervisors, Twin Peaks and Multiple Financial Supervisors, 2007.

Rutledge, Consumer Protection and Financial Literacy- Lessons from Nine Country Studies (The World Bank), 2010.

Rutledge, Annamalai, Lester und Symonds, Good Practices for Consumer Protection and Financial Literacy in Europe and Central Asia- A Diagnostic Tool, 2010.

Keßler, Micklitz und Reich, Darstellung der Arbeitsweise von Finanzaufsichtsbehörden in ausgewählten Ländern und deren Verbraucherorientierung - Studie im Auftrag des Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband, Berlin. Institut für Europäisches Wirtschafts- und Verbraucherrecht e.V.,2009.

Masciandaro und Quintyn, Regulating the regulators: The Changing face of financial supervision architectures before and after the crisis, 2010.

OECD, Supervision of financial services in the OECD area, 2003.


Graham, "The Consumer Financial Protection Agency" Texas Tech School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2010-12, 2010.

Fernholtz (New America Foundation), The CFPB: Tools, Transitions, and Choices, 2010.


Deletré, Rapport de la mission de reflexion et de propositions sur l’organisation et le fonctionnement de la supervision des activités financières en France- Inspection générale des Finances, Rapport N°2008-M-069-02, (Deletre I, 2009).

Deletré, Azoulay und Dugos, Le contrôle du respect des obligations professionnelles à l’égard de la clientèle dans le secteur financier- Inspection générale des finances, Rapport N° 2009-M-040-03(Deletre II, 2009).



Reifner, BaFin und Verbraucherschutz (iff, 2009).

Thorun, Verbraucherorientierte Finanzaufsicht- Lehren aus britischen und irischen Erfahrungen, ConPolicy GmbH im Auftrag des Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband (vzbv) 2010.

vzbv, Verbraucherschutz Finanzmarktregulierung- Deutschland braucht eine verbraucherorientierte Finanzaufsicht 2010.


Related EU links:

CEBS, Mapping of supervisory objectives and powers, including early intervention measures and sanctioning powers, 2009.

de Larosière, Report of the High-level Group on Financial Supervision in the EU, 2009.

European Commission, European financial supervision - Impact assessment- Commission staff working document 2009.

ID: 46753
Publication date: 01/03/11

Created: 04/03/11. Last changed: 04/03/11.
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