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USURY CEILINGS IN FRANCE (II) - Cofinoga/Cetelem/BNP seems to have misused the reputation of researchers to promote its deregulation policies in France - A letter from George Gloukoviezoff
Cofinoga/Cetelem/BNP seems to have misused the reputation of a reknown researcher on overindebtedness to promote its deregulation policies in France

George Gloukoviezoff in a letter to ECRC has clarified that the impression which the article Cofinoga/Cetelem/BNP has published with his photo as well as the photo of Jacques Pierre from social finance in the context of its deregulation campaign does not reflect their true opinions.

George Gloukoviezoff writes:

“You will find the annexed report on my travel to the United States where I intended to study the practice of American banks in the framework of the Community Reinvestment Act.

I would urge you to read the full document and look especially onto

- page 2 which is a reference to the absence of usury ceilings in this country without any apologetic remarks

- page 7 where I refer to the “effets pervers” of the American experience.

- page 8 and 9 which summarizes the situation in America and where I proposent several ideas how to proceed politically in France on these matters.

You will find that in no instance I have neither explicitly nor implicitly favoured the abolition of usury ceilings an impression which I would like to correct in your report which may also give the false impression that my research on the exclusion from access to banking are in one or the other way influenced by the group Laser-Cofinoga. I have never worked for this group nor got any money from them. Even if this would be the case one should judge me according to my research and not by the use one or the other enterprise or lobbyist makes of it.
It seems to be equally inadmissible to use the two phrases taken out of a long interview with a journalist to judge the findings of my scientific research.
This is also true for Jacque Pierre“

We are grateful for this clarification and apologize that we have trusted the way “Audience” has presented the photos of these two persons pretending that there is a big coalition between banks, alternative finance and social research against consumer and social protection through usury ceilings in the world.

We annex the summary findings on CRA by Gloukoviezoff in French language.

ID: 37798
Author(s): iff
Publication date: 07/07/06

CRÉDIT ET EXCLUSION - Audience No 30 LaSer Cofinoga

Created: 07/07/06. Last changed: 10/07/06.
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